Creating IntranetsInformation sharing within the company

Do you need to communicate effectively with hundreds or thousands of employees in teams with different focus? Break down information by the locations where you operate, or by employees' professions? We'll develop an intranet tailored to your organization: from the overall communication concept, through the design of the structure, UX solutions and design, to realisation and service.

I want a new intranet

Publication with approval workflow

For the intranet content management we'll configure for you editorial system – the same CMS in which you can manage your corporate website and e-shop. We'll set the roles of individual users or their groups according to your wishes, ranging from mere readers, through editors and editors to administrators, who alone will have the right to publish stored content.

Storage where employees can familiarise themselves with documents

You'll gain a virtual space where current versions of company guidelines, operating manuals, product photos and other images, price lists and marketing materials, shift plans, video instructions, etc. will be in one place. Every employee will know where to find them. And managers will see which subordinates have read the guidelines or other documents that have been assigned to them, and when.

Content and navigation personalization

We define user groups with you so that every one of them displays only the information is intended for them. You want to communicate one thing to members of management, sales persons and marketers, and something else entirely to production workers. Every user will also be able to customize the company intranet's personal homepage to their liking – for example, they can pin the company canteen menu to the largest area.

Connection to external systems

We integrate data from various software, to which you used to connect separately, into your intranet. For example employee attendance, leave records, meeting room reservations, company cars, trading results from the accounting system, sales of goods from the e‑shop, etc.

To mobile phones of employees in the field

A responsive design is a given, and not only for websites and e-shops. Your employees can also access the intranet from any device - computers, tablets and smartphones. You can also make a selected part of the content available to external partners, such as suppliers or customers.

News notifications

As soon as you update the content of the intranet, insert a new page or a file to download or create an employee survey, CMS will send an e-mail notification to everyone whom you want to share the news with, or who has subscribed. You can aim different information at every branch and professional group.

What’s your project budget, and what can you expect to get for it?

Planned budget

Basic communication and sharing tool

32,000–40,000 EUR

Basic web interface for internal communication and sharing of information. Up to hundreds of users, connection to a personnel or other information system.

Standard intranet with advanced features

40,000–80,000 EUR

Extensive intranet for up to thousands of users, with dozens authorised to edit personalised content, enables the intensive connection of the operator with suppliers/customers.

Tailored solutions, including connection to partners

80,000–200,000 EUR

Comprehensive solution in multiple language versions, sharing information from the intranet to the website in a shared CMS For a large company with dozens of branches, thousands of employees and a wide network of partners, with the option of setting various access rights.

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How we proceed

Do you want a truly tailored intranet, with timeless graphics and no limits?

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